Mission Statement

The Catholic Community of St. Augustine Cathedral, nourished by the Eucharist and guided by the Holy Spirit, is sent forth to proclaim the Good News of God's love for all people.
As a Parish Community, we will put this into action by continuously developing a Pastoral Program that reaches out to meet the needs of our Parishioners and community.

Welcome to St. Augustine Cathedral


Stay current on what is happening in the parish with a downloadable bulletin or just view right away on screen.


  • St. Vincent de Paul Support
  • Cathedral Tours Available
  • Flocknote Connection Details
  • Flower Sponsorship


  • 1/18: 52nd Annual March for Life
  • 1/19: Brunch hosted by Knights of Columbus & St. Vincent de Paul Society
  • 1/21: Cathedral Concert Series: The Beauty of Love
  • 2/2: Brunch hosted by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas
  • 2/2: Consecrated Religious Mass
  • 2/7: Youth Awards '25'
  • 2/9: Brunch hosted by the Guadalupanos
  • 2/11: William Wolfram Concert
  • 2/16: Brunch hosted by Knights of Columbus and St. Vincent de Paul Society
  • 2/16: Mass for Marriage Anniversaries

Mass Schedule

Saturday: 5:30pm Vigil Mass / English
Sunday: 6:30am English
8:00am Spanish
10:00am English
12:00 Noon English
5:30pm Spanish
Weekday: Mass: 7:00am
Mass: 12:05pm


Be a part of a great community!

Download our registration form, fill it out and bring or email it to our parish office, then come join us!


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St. Augustine Cathedral Flocknote Link

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St. Augustine Cathedral Contributions

Anointing of the Sick

Call 520-612-6500 if you need anointing of your loved one.

Donate Online

Donating is very easy. We now offer online giving for your convenience.

St. Augustine Cathedral Contributions

More about St. Augustine Cathedral

History of St. Augustine


A small two-room house was the modest beginning of the Cathedral of Saint Augustine Cathedral in Tucson that gradually took on the semblance of a Church building. The year, 1858.

St. Augustine Ministries


We want you to feel as part of the St. Augustine Community!  That only happens when you get to know the people and the staff at the church, but furthermore, it happens as you find your place to serve the Lord and make a difference in the lives of others whether in liturgical assembly, sacraments, or other charitable works.

Sacraments offered by St. Augustine


We offer you all the sacraments from baptism to holy matrimony. If you need any sacraments, want to become Catholic, or are just be informed about our faith, join our OCIA program to fulfill your needs.

Gallery of St. Augustine grounds

Gallery of our beautiful cathedral

See our beautiful cathedral! We offer church tours with historical information.

Campaigns for improvement of St. Augustine grounds


2024 Annual Catholic Appeal

We can’t do this without YOU! Your Time, Talent and Treasure will be needed.

Affiliations of St. Augustine Cathedral of Tucson


Throughout Tucson, we have a network of affiliations that help our goal of ministry to our parishioners and local community.

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